Currently, I have three different kind of part-time job. I work as a school bus and travel service management, freelance graphic designer and freelance beautician.
My first and the longest part-time job are school bus and travel service management. I use to have a stable part-time job in my dad company. My dad company provides school bus and travel service. I started working as a part-time secretarial and assistance in my dad company since I graduated my form five and until now, I still working in my dad company.
How about freelance graphic designer? Although I’m not a very professional graphic designer, but do I consider a freelance graphic designer? I love graphic design. And I’m interested in graphic design. Few years ago I had designed few business card and poster for my relative business. And last year, I had a group project, my classmate and I created a campaign call Dance Safe. And I designed Dance Safe logo, teaser, ticket, newsletter, registration form, souvenir book and banner. In June 2007, my aunt planned to open a beauty and health center called D’ Esprit. She asked me to help her to design her company logo, banner, buntings, name card, flyers, brochure and voucher, and she will pay me for the design. So do I consider a freelance graphic designer?
Recently, I have another part-time job, and I just started this month. Every weekend, Saturday and Sunday I work as a beautician in D’ Esprit Beauty & Health Esthetic. D’ Esprit provides many different kind of beauty and health service, such as facial treatment, eyelashes perming, embroidery, ear candling treatment, body treatment, waxing, nails, make-up and many more.
Anyway, I had three different kind of part-time job. I work as a school bus and travel service management, because it’s a family business and it’s may become my permanent job once I graduated my degree. How about my freelance graphic designer and beautician, I enjoy doing it, because I’m interested.
My first and the longest part-time job are school bus and travel service management. I use to have a stable part-time job in my dad company. My dad company provides school bus and travel service. I started working as a part-time secretarial and assistance in my dad company since I graduated my form five and until now, I still working in my dad company.
How about freelance graphic designer? Although I’m not a very professional graphic designer, but do I consider a freelance graphic designer? I love graphic design. And I’m interested in graphic design. Few years ago I had designed few business card and poster for my relative business. And last year, I had a group project, my classmate and I created a campaign call Dance Safe. And I designed Dance Safe logo, teaser, ticket, newsletter, registration form, souvenir book and banner. In June 2007, my aunt planned to open a beauty and health center called D’ Esprit. She asked me to help her to design her company logo, banner, buntings, name card, flyers, brochure and voucher, and she will pay me for the design. So do I consider a freelance graphic designer?
Recently, I have another part-time job, and I just started this month. Every weekend, Saturday and Sunday I work as a beautician in D’ Esprit Beauty & Health Esthetic. D’ Esprit provides many different kind of beauty and health service, such as facial treatment, eyelashes perming, embroidery, ear candling treatment, body treatment, waxing, nails, make-up and many more.
Anyway, I had three different kind of part-time job. I work as a school bus and travel service management, because it’s a family business and it’s may become my permanent job once I graduated my degree. How about my freelance graphic designer and beautician, I enjoy doing it, because I’m interested.