Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Basic Movements
The basic step of all styles of salsa involves 3 weight changes (or steps) in each 4 beat measure. The beat without a weight change might contain a tap, kick, or pause. One of the steps is a "break step" a little bit longer than the other two. Different styles of Salsa are often differentiated by the direction and timing of the break step ("on 1" or "on 2" for example). After 6 weight changes in 8 beats, the basic step cycle is complete. While dancing, the basic step can be modified significantly as part of the improvisation and styling’s of the dancers.

As a salsa dancer changes weight the upper body remains level and nearly unaffected by the weight changes. Caught in the middle are the hips which end up moving quite a bit--the famous "Cuban hip movement."

The arms are used to communicate the lead in either open or closed position. In open position the two dancers hold one or both hands, especially for moves that involve turns, or putting arms behind the back, or moving around each other. In closed position, the leader puts the right hand on the follower's back, while the follower puts the left hand on the leader's shoulder.

In some styles, the dancers remain in a slot (switching places), while in others the dancers circle around each other.

Here are the few steps that I had learned:

Basic salsa x2
Change body x2

Basic salsa x1
Shoulder to shoulder x3
Under arm turn x1

Basic salsa x1
Sweetheart salsa x2
Basic salsa x1

New York salsa x3
Under arm turn x1

Basic salsa x1
Side step salsa x1
Gradvide salsa x1
Side turn salsa x1

Basic salsa x1
Single vide salsa x1
Single vide salsa (alone) x1
Double vide salsa x1

Basic salsa x1
Vide salsa x1
Unvide salsa x1
Vide salsa x1
Unvide salsa (partner) x1

Basic salsa x1
Windmills salsa x2

Monday, March 23, 2009

My blogshop - The Gorgeous Shop

The Gorgeous Shop (TGS) is my online boutique. TGS is mainly sells gorgeous clothes, fashionable accessories and beautiful gift. So do support me... and do visit my blogshop and enjoy shopping @ The Gorgeous Shop

Friday, March 20, 2009

Kiroro - Best Friend

Mou, da i jou bu shin pa i na i to, na ki sou na, wa ta shi no so ba de.
I don’t have to worry anymore, because you will be by my side when I cry
I tsu, mo ka wa ra na i e ga o de, sa sa ya i te, ku re ta.
You always smile at me
Ma da ma da ma da ya re ru yo, da tte, i tsu de mo, ka ga ya i te ru.
I am blessed because you always shine before me
To ki ni wa i so gi su gi te, mi u shi na u, ko to mo, a ru yo, shi ka ta na i.
Things that we have missed hastily at time, that’s the way it is
Zu tto mi ma mo tte, iru ka ra, tte e ga o de.
Faces that always being looked at
I tsu mo, no you ni, da ki shi me ta.
Forever hugging each other
A na ta no e ga o ni, nan do ta su ke ra re ta da rou.
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
A ri ga tou, a ri ga tou, Best Friend.
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Ko, n na ni ta ku san, no shi a wa se, kan ji ru to ki wa, shun kan de.
These plenty happiness that I felt at this moment
Ko ko, ni i ru su be te no na ka ma ka ra, sa i ko u no, pu re zen to.
All the friends that I have here, you the best present
Ma da ma da ma da ya re ru yo, da tte, i tsu de mo, mi n na so ba ni i ru.
I am blessed because you always be by our side
Ki tto i ma ko ko de ya ri to ge ra re ru ko to, so n na, ko to mo, chi ka ra ni ka wa ru.
Surely things that I have accomplished here, those things too give me strength (change to strength)
Zu tto mi ma mo tte, iru ka ra, tte e ga o de.
Faces that always being looked at
I tsu mo, no you ni, da ki shi me ta.
Forever hugging each other
Min na no e ga o ni, nan do ta su ke ra re ta da rou.
All of your smile has helped me endless time, you know
A ri ga tou, a ri ga tou, Best Friend.
Thank you thank you Best Friend

To ki ni wa i so gi su gi te, mi u shi na u, ko to mo, a ru yo, shi ka ta na i.
Things that we have missed hastily at time, that’s the way it is
Zu tto mi ma mo tte, iru ka ra, tte e ga o de.
Faces that always being looked at
I tsu mo, no you ni, da ki shi me ta.
Forever hugging each other
A na ta no e ga o ni, nan do ta su ke ra re ta da rou.
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
A ri ga tou, a ri ga tou, Best Friend.
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Zu tto zu tto zu tto, Best Friend.
Always always always my Best Friend

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Janice Vidal (Wei Lan) - Sam Luen Yue Ma (Confused and Disturbed)

Yan choh man jeuk nei seung hing hoh, nei keuk hoi chi soh yuen ngoh.
Ga si nei sig ok dak hip noh, nei wooi bat wooi kui juet ngoh.
Nei yau yi yuk hui jaau ngoh, nei wooi tung din joi wooi gwoh.
Yue sat joi ying jan hei foon ngoh, waak si yau sam foo hin ngoh, yue gam ji yau saam sui do ching choh.

* Si nei bat seung ngoh la, sam ji bat jaau ngoh la.
Mo fei gei tin bin fa, jau jeung gwaat ngoh gei chin ba.
Naan do nei gung ngoh chan man po yung ji hau ging yau pin cha.
Bat seung who ngoh ho, cheng kau jik suet jan wa.*

Han seung nei si oi dak laan doh, ji wooi doh tin bat lei ngoh.
Sam ging jing juk miu jung dit doh, ngoh nay at yeung yau jo choh.
Gwoh hui nei gik oi sik ngoh, faai wai ji hau mo yuk ngoh.
Chang ji man ji si hoi sam gwoh, ji man ji bei dam sam gwoh, yue gam dik ngoh ji yiu ji ching choh.

Repeat *

Moot yau dam sik chin nei, sam kuen yue ma, wooi hui ba, wooi hui ba, loi yeung ngoh seung hau git ba.
Si nei bat seung ngoh ma, si nei bat jaau ngoh ma.
Mo fei gei tin bin fa, jau jeung gwaat ngoh gei chin ba.
Naan do nei gung ngoh chan man po yung ji hau ging yau pin cha.
Bat seung who ngoh ho, bat yue jik suet jan wa.