Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fraser's Hill trip

Before Chinese New Year my cousin and I plan to go somewhere to celebrate Chinese New Year. At first we plan to go Singapore, but too bad not successful. Then we changed our plan to go somewhere which is a bit cold and windy, therefore we decided to go up to the hill, which is Fraser’s Hill. On 10th February 2008 my cousin and I went to Fraser’s Hill. This is my second time visit Fraser’s Hill. I had been long long time didn’t visit Fraser’s Hill.

Fraser's Hill is a hill resort located on the Titiwangsa Ridge in the state of Pahang in Malaysia. Fraser's Hill gets its name from a British colonial adventurer and fortune hunter, which is Louis James Fraser. However, in the early 1900's, Fraser vanished or misplaced without a trace. Fraser's disappearance remains a mystery to this day. In 1917, a couple of clergymen rediscovered Fraser's Hill, and gathered support from the colonial authorities to turn it into a hill station to get away from the unbearable heat of the lowlands. Fraser's Hill is measured at 1,280 meters above sea level. Year round temperatures are between 18-20 degrees Celsius. This resort is situated approximately 104 kilometers from the city of Kuala Lumpur.

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